Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Happy to see me?

This Parisian (?) was not happy to see me and my camera. I believe that in France it´s forbitten to photograph anybody in public place without permission. At least it used to be so, don´t know if it´s still so. 

In Finland you can - pretty much - photograph anything you like in public places. One can´t expect privacy in public places. If you publish them there´s some limitations. You can´t publish pics of minor(s) without parental premission. And it´s forbitten to publish somebody in dire in that way he/she is regonized. But that´s about it. How is it in your neck of the wood I wonder.

My Corner of the World


  1. ...she has been around.

  2. At public places it's ok. So many people just don't remember to ask permission to publish. A friend found my photo in Fb this summer me 'modeling' a dress for a pop-up shop. Never gave a permission to publish any photos they took. I'm too old to be a model :D

    1. Asking permission is a good behavior but not mandatory. Unless it´s taken in private place, then you need permission. If one uses it in commercial purposes one should have a written permission to publish it. And pay the model.

  3. Not sure how it is in BE, I am always very discreet. Plus I find you get more spontaneous images that way.

    1. I try to as be as unnoticeable as I can. But sometimes people still knows, they just don´t care. Everybody has a camera in their hand half of the time anyways. What can you do? Confront everybody with phone in their hands?

  4. Over here, there is no law against taking photos of people in public places. I have often wondered about this law in other countries.

    Happy Thursday!

    1. Well now you know and so do I.
      You have a great 1 2!


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