Friday, September 9, 2022

A Turkish Bazar

In market place of Lahti. Turks doesn´t want them called as a Turk any more. I don´t give a rats ass what they want or don´t want. Their dictator is haggling with us like it was a Turkish Bazar.

He wants us to render "terrorists" (one man´s terrorist is another man´s freedom fighter) to them or they won´t support our Nato process. i.e. he´s asking us to change our law. Well F U mr. Erdoğan. He and anybody supporting him should be fried as a turkey next thanks giving imho. If not sooner.

I can´t understand why on earth they are in western tables making decisions in the first place. I mean; it´s third world muslim country led by a dictator after all. He supports Putin and is warring in Syria. Then there are the Kurd situation. He´s such a dick. 

I don´t have anything against Turks living here. They are mostly Kurds and smart enougf to flee that god-forsaken country in the first place. They are hard working people and very nice people all together. My local pizzeria/kebeb place is run by a Kurd. It´s always a plesure to do business with him. I´ve ordered food from him so many times that he knows me by name. When I order something he never asks my address cause he knows it by heart. That´s good service in my books.

Sorry about the rant, I just had to get it off my chest. Yaşa Kürt! (Long Live Kurds!)


  1. I am so fed up with these modern dictators! I wish all the worst to them.

  2. Autocratic leaders seem to be the mainstream around the world at the moment

  3. ...I'm not a fan of Erdoğan!!!


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