Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Bit of an Overkill?

I upgraded my guitar amp. The old one was pretty shitty to put it nice. Couple of effect petals didn´t help a bit. Now I got myself a proper amp. Marshall 30W in a livingroom. Nobody Needs that much but it´s Nice to have if you know what I mean. If I would dare to put it on max my hair would probably flow like in wind. Not to mantion my neighbours, that´s why I have them headphones. This is literally My Corner of the Wolrd.

Sounds on that amp are magnificent but I can only play 8 chords thus far. I found this at the recycling center I used to work as a photographer in their webstore last year. It was mere 80€ and it looks near mint and everything is working too. I concider myself lucky to get hold of this beautiful beast for so little money. Terpat Marikalle , Katjalle ja Marjutille! Samalla myös koko mahtavalle Patinan porukalle.


  1. ...keep on rockin'.

  2. Nice find, I know nothing about music technology but my friends in the biz tell me that power helps on the transients, not necessarily the volume of the music.
    Keep playing away!!

    1. I don´t know anything with the technology either.
      But it´s very loud I must say.

      Yeah, I´ll keep on playing.

  3. A picture says more than a thousand words

  4. Your special world and space.

  5. Unfortunately you have to pay for quality these days.

    1. This time the prize wasn´t all that bad I reckon.

  6. nice music corner.


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