Sunday, April 2, 2023

I voted

 Today Finland has/had an parlament election. We are/where choosing who will lead our politics for next 4 years. The weather couldn´t be better. Sunshine and (relative) warm temps. I´ll call it to be Spring atlast. We have fresh and pure white snow. There´s  some 29cm of it yet still. 

I went there with my childhood friend who lives the neighbouring building. We enjoyed the great weather and company of eatch other. And we are celebrating our democracy and our freedom. It´s exciting to see who wins. 3 biggest party are within 1% from eatch other. So we have to wait for official results to come to see what´s what. Sorry about the blur, didn´t dare to use flash. I don´t even know if you´re allowed to take a photo in the first place. Well, it´s done. Sue me.


  1. Äänestin ennakkoon. Jännä ilta tulee, kun katsoo tuloksia.

    Luulen, että jos tuossa lapussa olisi numero ja kuvan julkaisee, niin se olisi kielletty. Blanko lappu tuskin rikkoo lakia :D

    1. Jep. Itselle tulee nukkumatti klo22. Aamulla saa sitten tietää varmax. Aion toki siihen asti katsoa. Jännäx menee.

      No, mulla on samankaltainen olo tuosta kuvaamisesta. Kai se on kosher.

  2. It is actually forbidden.
    Good luck to Finland, that you may have good leaders!

    1. Oh yeah? Some say it is ok, some say it ain´t. 1 vote for each side in comments so far. Tight vote in here also. 😉

  3. ...I see that Sanna Marin lost. We saw her on TV awhile ago and thought that she was impressive.

    1. She lead us throught Corona and Nato prosess. Very impressive work in such hard times. I wished she would continued but others disagree. Sad to see her go.


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