Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Indians (curry type not tomahawk variety)

 I was sitting in this shopping mall. The fella on left talked to this woman in right. Ain´t no linguist but it sounded Indian to me. You don´t see them too often in my neck of woods. You know; they´re pretty much on the other side of the globe. Long way to come visit in Finland. Or maybe they´re immigrants, who knows. Well, there´s room for those who behaves in here. Those who don´t (i.e. does something criminal) should be send back to what ever Fuckistan they came from.

Many folks don´t like immigrats in general. The right winged populist party had around 20% of votes in recent parlamentary election. They are second biggest party in our parlament for next 4 years. Their main goal is to forbit immigrants who come here as refugees. They only want those who are well educated and will certainly work for living. Bit rasist don´t you think. It´s sad to see they´re so many in Finland. If the populists would leave Finland this would be better place. Why not move to Russia. It would rise both countrys mediocre IQ. 😁


  1. India is a rising economy and many Indians make touristic trips to Europe as well as Chinese people. In my country (Turkey), we see more and more Indian and Chinese tourists. There are also immigrants, naturally, from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iraq, Syria, etc. People escaping from wars, fundamentalism, extreme poverty, etc. I believe that leaving his/her country is nobody’s first choice in life; many people stay and work hard to have a better life in their own country, but sometimes there are life threatening situations and people have nothing to do but escape. Difficult to put ourselves in their place.

    1. I can agree with everything you´ve just said here.


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