Friday, April 14, 2023

Local Winos

Every spring local winos crawls from under the rocks they was in winter. They hang out in small mall of our Hood. Police is everyday visitor here. You can drink in public places if you behave. These fellas (and couple of females too) often don´t behave. So police comes to tell them to move some place more remote. If they have to come back then they take one or two in local pen to sober up. As soon as rest of them see tail lights of a police car they come back. Must be very frustrating to the cops.

There´s school for first to sixth graders not 50m. away. Needless to say these folks raises concern to the kids and their parents. Local grocery is nearby also. So no lack of beer here. I knew superficialy couple of guys who hanged out here. One died, another one haven´t call me for quite long time. Changes are that he´s gone also. Kinda sad really. I avoid these folks, changes of problems is quite high. And I don´t wanna listen those drunken rants. The Weekend in Black n´ White 


  1. Nonniin, siinä ollaan skuutilla, motskarilla ja jalan.
    Noita porukoita näkee joka puolella. Tuntuu, että porukka nuorenee vuosi vuodelta vai johtuuko se siitä, että itse ikääntyy?
    Ennen oli vanhoja ukkoja, nykyään nuoria sekakäyttäjiä. Entisaikojen dokuja ei enää niin paljon näe.

    1. Niinpä. Nää on 30-50v. haarukassa. Tuollaisilla elintavoilla harva elää vanhemmaksi. Uskoakseni heille myös pillerit maistuu jos lekurista saa. Tuskin heillä on varaa kadulta niitä ostaa. Rahat menee tärkeämpään eli alkoon.

  2. A frustrating situation for all concerned. A group like that doesn't lead to anything good.

  3. A beautiful street capture but sad to read about their behaviour. Fortunately drinking in public not allowed in India and one has to buy alcohol from liquor shops only, not supermarkets.

    1. Our grocery stores sells only beer and such mild alcohol. For vines and harder stuff one must go to liquor stores. Which are basicly under very strick regulations. And owned by coverment.

  4. ...the paper bag gang?

    1. I know what you mean. Here it´s not necessary to use those.

  5. We have our fair share here as well

  6. This sort of thing can be seen in many places - there are so many miserable people who think alcohol will solve their problems. Horrible to happen so close to a school, though.

  7. Wow, da tobt das Leben, der Roller ist klasse.

    1. I semi understand what you´re saying. 🙂

  8. Our town is very small so we don't see this behaviour unless you go to the bigger cities.

  9. Everyone, even winos, enjoy the warmth of spring sunshine.

  10. This is a scary and sad sight


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