Friday, April 28, 2023

Mayhem Machine

 Most everybody who has seen these in urban environment hates these. They´re Devil´s Invention. Hundreds - if not - thousands are seriously injuring themselfs or innocent passersbys every summer in Finland alone. Parisians banned these, we should do it too. 

I think that public safety should be over freedom of entrepreneurship. Imagine how much it costs for society to pay all those injured people. And their unpayed paychechs are away from all our tax revenues too. And somebody´s making a lot of money with these. It´s madness I say, madness.                                          The Weekend in Black n´ White


  1. Big problems with them in Stockholm although it is better now compared with just two years ago.

  2. ...I'm read that electric scooters are causing surios problem in big cities. They are a problem here in the country.

  3. They should be licensed and controlled, if not banned. A fine photo just the same!

  4. looks like we, pedestrians can't do much about it. Nice photograph though!

    1. Unfortunetly you´re right. And thank you mate!

  5. I hate those things. They cause chaos on the bike and walkways in my town.

  6. I hate them too. Reminds me of the segway which I also hated.

    1. I never saw the segway in person. But these are a real problem.


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