Sunday, April 9, 2023


Georgeous weather , I just had to go take my camera out for a spin. My aparment is next to this forrest. I walked throught it, birds was going beserk and sung like there´s no tommorrow. Plenty of snow still in there. Not much to photograph just barren leafless trees. Not your eye candy by any means.

I came outta woods via this walkpath. Back to the civilisation and there´s plenty of peoples to paparaz. This Nordic Walker passed me by, I walk slowly. I so outta shape, been hibernating during winter. I.e. didn´t left home if  it was not mandatory. Just my local grocery, my social worker and my srink. Nothing else, don´t like winter to put it nice.

This heart-warming big sis and lil bro compo walked hand in hand towards the sun.

This black couple was sniffing first scents of Spring. Plenty of interesting odours.

Small, medium and big two-wheelers was plenty. Like these folks here.

This couple had their kid in this cart. Precious gargo must be on your game with this.

Hour and half, some 4848 steps recording my mobile. I really enjoyed myself. I´m so glad the winter is finaly over. Well, sort of. Still below freezing point during nights. In the morning there´s plenty of melted snow (i.e. water) turned into ice. But it´s a  Spring now. Must enjoy it. It´s the shortest season in Finland. No more need for D-vitamin pills, plenty of it in the air. When sun is shining that is.


  1. Hope you will enjoy a sunny Easter Monday too! 👍🌈

  2. Nice 'street' photos, P. That first fellow's destination appears to be a quaint little exit-for-the-main-road town.
    I walk slowly also. It seems this fellow might walk slower than you?
    Thank's for dropping by mine.

    1. Thank you Jim! And ditto on the last one. 🙂

  3. Aurinko on todellakin hellinyt meitä viime päivät. Tuntuu kyllä ihanalta pitkän ja kamalan talven jälkeen.
    Tuleekohan vapuksi lumimyrsky :D

    1. On tätä jo odoteltu hartaasti.

      Onhan sekin mahd. Toivotaan kuitenkin ettei.


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