Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Spring Paparazzi

One fine day yesterday was again. Weather wise that was. Me and my dear childhood friend went outdooring. We ended up in a flea market. I found 3 shirts for mere 7+€´s. This is me photographed by friend mantioned but I call all photos of me selfies no matter who takes them. I thought that I share fresh photo of me in comparison with the old one I post the other day. And the pic from hospital while back. If you see me coming you better run. Other wise you´ll be paparazzed and blasted on www for global audience to see. Most would probably not want it if they had a say. Well, they don´t. 😁

That said. In Finland you can photograph anything you want in public places. There are some restrictions if photos are published. Like; no recognizable pics of underaged people without parent(s) approval. No recognizable pics of people in dire. No recognizable pics of some one peeing or wommitting on the street corner. No recognizable picks of people having sex. And such. But I believe that´s about it really. Very simple.

There are somethings I don´t photograph though. Say 1%:ers, addicts, any male(s) looking like problems and victims in accident sites. Don´t wanna get my ass kicked and/or have my camera smasher into ground. I´m glad to say no-one ever challenged me for taking their photo. I´m Street Smart and very discreet. Vast majority of my subjects are blissfully un-aware that they have been photographed.


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