Friday, May 5, 2023

Cafe Sinuhe

Today I had ny lab tests taken. Week prior I could not eat liquorice, no problems there. Two days prior I couldn´t consume coffee, tea, bananas, cheese, nuts, vanilla, ice cream and nicotine. This was lil more hard. I love my coffee and tobacco. Yesterday I had horrible headache, it was withdrawal of caffeine. And tobacco I didn´t even try to be without. It´s mission impossible to me. After my tests I did go to nearest cafe to have coffee. It seldomly tasted that good. I do love my coffee, I drink plenty of it everyday. 

Next monday I´ll go to contrast medium filming. Gladly there´s very little restriction with that. Results I`ll wait with great interest. These examinations are relate to my hospilitation earlier. Then I`ll have some more examinations i.e. more labtests. Before end of this month I´ll get my results. They´ll tell me if there´s any permanent damage. I surely hope not, one lives in hope. Fingers crossed.

Sorry about the slight blurriness, there was very little light. And my hands was shaken due to lack of coffee. But you´ll get the picture I believe. Street photography is all about the moment, not the sharpness of the pic.


  1. ...i never touch coffee!

    1. Finns drink coffee very much. We´re pretty close to be number one coffee drinking country in the wolrd.

  2. Superb composition and shot.

  3. Huh, ilman kahvia tekisi tiukkaa. Ja ilman tupakkaa.

    Toivottavasti kokeet näyttävät hyvää!

    1. Ei ollu yhtään kivaa voin kertoa. Tupakkaa en - tosiaan - edes yrittänyt olla ilman.

      Niinpä. Mulla on kuitenkin ihan hyvä olo eikä mikään tunnu vaivaavan. Toiv. testit sanoo samaa.

  4. I can't go without my coffee either.
    Good luck on your tests. I hope they find something and that it is not bad. Like maybe you are not drinking enough coffee.

  5. Can't stay without coffee. ☕
    Good luck for all tests!

    1. Coffee is king. ☕
      Thank you very much! You secret agent you. 😁


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