Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Central Hospital of Päijät-Häme

As you´re walking in the main entrance you see this. A lounge. As you´re walking to where ever you have to go there´s plenty peoples everywhere. Nurses, doctors, cleaners, janitors, security staff, patiences and  relatives of them. It´s like wasp nest, buzzing everywhere. And some of them will sting you like a bee. Yesterday I had to be get couple of  them. Always not a plesure, it hurted like hell. Twice. 😟😬 I have many hours of tattoos in me so one would think I have no needle fear. Bullshit.


  1. ...Thursday I'm going in for foot surgery.

    1. Hope everything goes well for you my friend.

  2. I have a blood test every month for my INR number (The international normalised ratio (INR) blood test tells you how long it takes for your blood to clot.) I'm on warfarin for an irregulat heartbeat. I used to be terrified of needles, I still don't like them but they don't bother me anymore.

    1. Basic blood test is easy comparing they opening a vain to put contrast medium in. It hurts way more. Or maybe I´m just a crying baby..


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