Sunday, May 7, 2023

White-tailed deers

 I walked the outdoor area behind my building with my dear childhood friend. We walked some 3+km i.e. 5600 steps recording to my mobile. I noticed these two creatures. One was mooning me i.e. showing it´s arse to me (lower left). Other one was looking strait to my camera (upper right). I´ve seen few of these while on the car but never seen one before in person in da Nature. They was faaar away and in shadows so they´re not easiest to see in da pic or in Nature. You can barely see them. Very well camouflaged like Nature ment them to be.


  1. Gosh that's something we don't see here unless they are on a farm

    1. Mind you that this forrest in in the midlle of City. How about that?

  2. They are getting more and more common...and numerous...

    1. I know one person who had a crash with one of those. Thank god she was not harmed, only the car took the damage. They´re relatively small and light weight oppose to a Moose.


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