Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Going down?

This takes me back. I worked part time in eldelry care for 6 months back in winter 2021-22. Am no nurse or such. Our job descrption envolmed taking customers to dentist, eye doctor, other doctors and such. Many times we took them outdooring, grocery etc. Sometimes if customer didn´t want/couldn´t  go out then we just talked with them for 3/4 of an hour in their place of live. Many times over coffee table.

It was/is very important work. This way nurses and housekeepers didn´t weist their time for tasks basicly anyone can do. Like me, Bipolar Lunatic. It was very eye opening experience. Some folks had very impressive (i.e. expencive) living condition. Some had only one table, a chair and bed, nothing more. Most of folks were some where in between. Every one was lonely. Husband and friends was dead. Relatives lived so far that they didn´t visit. And then there was those who couldn´t move independetly. They was prison in their home. Totaly helpless many was.

Most of our customers was 80+ females. Men dies earlier in Finland is reason for that. I called myself Granny Whisperer. For some odd reason grannies loved me. I don´t know why. I was just myself. You know; some common curtacy and personal conduct. Anyways, it was nice period in my life. I´m glad I did it. Only downside was that it was winter. Other than that nothing else. Terpat Katille ja koko porukalle! 😉


  1. Granny Whisperer! Uskon kyllä. Saisi olla enemmänkin noita työllistettyjä yms juuri sosialisoimaan vanhusten kanssa.
    Silmiä avaava kokemus.

    1. Juttuseuraa monet tosiaan vailla. Oli tärkeää osata kuunnella ja olla itse hiljaa oikeassa paikassa. Itellä oli sellanen mentaliteetti että kun vanhemmat ihmiset puhuu kannattaa kuunnella tarkasti. Siitä voi oppia paljon.

  2. Lovely photo - and what a great thing you did. This is so true, people need people, and what a gift you offered

  3. We have a program here too. Spending time with the elderly is an important service and it benefits the people who volunteer too.

  4. It was a valuable help that you gave those people. Well done.

    1. It also gave me an important lesson of the state of our eldery care. We could use PLENTY more hands on the job. Situation is dire to say the least. Very many changes job because the amount of work and responsiblilties does not show in one´s paycheck. I totaly understand.


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