Sunday, April 23, 2023

Morning Porridge

 On it´s way. Lovely golden light from rising sun is reflected to my little kitchen from the windows of next building. All my windows are facing west so I can´t appreciate it directly. Me early birdie, I like mornings. It was 6:04AM when I took this. Most sane people sleeps at this hour. Well, I´m not sane. After all I´m bipolar. ☯ In Finland we have this saying. Likes it like madman likes his porridge. Dunno if it makes any sence in English. Probably not. Any who; Good Morning Blogistan!  Cock´s Crow. 🐓

Note on the photography side of things. Shadows are always comlpementary color to the color of light. Hard to see with (un-trained) eye when taking a photo but clearly visible in photos if you know what you´re looking for. Like this here. Bottom part of the pic is in shadow and has a slight blue hue. Light itself is yellow/orange. Thus; comlpementary colors. And they work very well together.

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  1. ...the study of color is interesting. Our 10 year old granddaughter loves art and see know a lot about colors.

    1. Art is very good for one´s creative thinking. Good for her!

  2. Huhhuh, aikaisin on puuro porisemassa. Itse heräsin vasta kahdeltatoista. Koituduin eilen muutaman päivän saaristoreissusta.

    Jep, vastavärit toimivat aina!

    1. En nyt ihan joka päivä noin aikaisin puuroa hauduttele. Kympiltä kun käy nukkumaan niin 8 timmaa on täys noihin aikoihin. 8 on kyllä ehdoton minimi uneen mielestäni. Sinä tarvitset hieman enemmän muistaakseni.

      Ajattelinkin että ehkä olet juurikin siellä missä olit kun oli blogissasi hiljaista viime päivät. Toiv. akut latautui kunnolla.

      Joo, vastaväriharmonia on kyllä ihan päällikkö.

  3. I have porridge almost every morning and throw in blueberries, walnuts and raisins, pour milk over it and place it in to the microwave for 5 minutes. It's my favorite breakfast until the warmer weather arrives which is very soon.

    1. Sound delicious. Just wondering what´s your favourite breakfast in summertime.

    2. i soak a container full of oats in orange juice and put it in the fridge. The juice evaporates and then I add the nuts and raisins or whatever else to the bowl I'm having. It's a nice and fast beakfast. Homemade bread with coffee or tea is another favorite.

  4. You´re an epicure in my books. Keep up keeping up.


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