Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sleeping my day away

 Last night I slept 7h. (way too little). I drank two cups of coffee and then I ate my morning porridge. I was so tired that I slept some more (2h). When I woke up I drank cup of Coffee and ate little. Then I went to local grocery. Then I slept some more (2h.). After that I drank another cup of Coffee and ate something. Then slept some more (3h.). Drank more coffee and decited to go have my evening cup of Coffee at nearby Duck Pond. How´s that for a sleeping and Coffee Susu? Enough for one night and a day? πŸ˜‰                                  D.A.D. - Sleeping my day away

Photos of some evening activities of little creatures and bit bigger creatures as well. Tonite I´m gonna burn some midnight oil, can´t see myself sleeping anytime soon. Yesterday I walked some 8,756km (5,44ml) that must be the reason I was so tired today. It´s marathon in my books, I´m in piss poor conditioned mind you. Today I walked some 1.5km (around mile) and bicycled 5,54km. (3.44ml.). That´s enough for me today.

That´s enough for this evening. Of Coffee, bicycling and photography. Till next time; Tah Dah!


  1. ...I try to stay busy between naps.

    1. Good policy. I couldn´t do that yesterday, I was too tired.

  2. I really like the last photo. I need more rest too.

    1. Resting is like money in the bank.

  3. That sounds like a very eventful day filled with coffee, sleep, walking, bicycling, and photography!

  4. You sound almost like me! It's necessary to sleep when you are sleepy!

    1. Almost? How much do you sleep I´m wondering.
      You eat when you´re hungry, you sleep when you´re tired.

  5. I have one coffee every morning and mine is usually a bit mixed so it wakes me up properly

    1. Us Finns love our coffee. We drink it some 9,9kg (218lbs) per person in a year. That´s a lot, most in the world I believe. And I drink it even more so no wonder it´s sometime hard to sleep. ❤️☕πŸ‘

  6. Thanks for the inspiration, re-sleep. I am feeling so sapped out of energy this summer (it's hot as hell) and need to catch up on sleep. Was travelling all of last week and your reminder is like the universe communicating with me. This afternoon, it shall be. :)

  7. Beautiful street shots.
    I had to quit coffee since last year because the caffeine gave me tremor. So I missed the aroma.

    1. Thank you! Sorry to hear that, hope these´s some alternative without caffeine. πŸ™‚


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