Saturday, May 6, 2023

Waiting for a bus

This was taken yesterday. It was bloody cold. I had to put on my winter gear to survive it. So had most of fellow citizens. Next week it should be more warm, reminds to be seen. I surely hope so. Thurstday it was raining snow, very rare at this time of year. We should have t-shirt weather by now. But not this spring. Brr..


  1. ...for starter I would stand in the sun!

  2. Replies
    1. Asuin Tampereella ysärin puoli välissä jonkun vuoden.

      Kun tamperelainen kulkee pipotta tammikuussa se on pipaton tammikuu. 😁

  3. I don't like to stand still waiting for a bus on a cold day.


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