Thursday, April 27, 2023

My Vice

Men live around 79 years old in Finland these days. Smoking shortens your life by 7 years recording to today´s knowledge. So I have some 13 years left. If I don´t die something else before it that is. It´s a nasty habit and I should quit while I´m ahead. But I have so much in my plate at the moment that this is not on top of my bucket list. Maybe someday, reminds to be seen.

Most people don´t wanna think about randomness of life. You can be 30 years old with healthy lifestyle and die in a heart attack - or what ever - during your exercise. And that´s it, you´re done. Life ain´t fair.

Then there´s people like me. I´ve been living very, very unhealthy atleast for last 20 years. And still going on strong. I should be dead long ago. 3 times I´ve being looking death in the eye (de facto). Luckily I survived all of those. But I can be dead by tomorrow. Or later today. Or...well, you got the point.

Say you´re walking to a street corner. If you turn left you can find love of your life. By turning to right you can be hit by a car and you´re dead. Yesterday never returns and tomorrow never comes. You only have Now. Bit cliché but so true. Nobody promised you tomorrow. As they say; God laughs when people make plans.  Remember to enjoy every day of your life like it´s your last. I´ve learnt it the hard way. Nowadays I thank the Universe every day I wake up living.


  1. I know heavy smokers who have lived long lives. My father was one of them. Still, I have never smoked.

    1. You not smoking is a very good idea. Can´t recommend anyone to smoke.

  2. I gave it up around 30 years ago.


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