I´m going on a vacation, am going to Sotkamo. My father has House and Summer Cabin there. Cabin is situated by the small lake and that´s where I´m gonna stay. Nearest neighbour is 1km away (as crow flies). In between there´s a thick forrest. So I´ll be pretty much alone in the Nature for next 2 weeks. From 24.7 to 5.8.2023 I´ll be offline but I shall return. The Cabin looks like so.
Turning around I see this.
With any luck I´ll be watching this in the evenings.
TÀllÀ viikolla Saturday Classic; Litku Klementti - Juna Kainuuseen. Kaksi koronakesÀÀ ja viime kesÀn työt estivÀt perinteisen mökkireissun. Nyt pÀÀsen - ja lÀhden - lomalle Sotkamoon faijan tykö. Olen pois blogista 24.7-5.8.2023. Latailen akkuja ja palaan virkeÀmpÀnÀ taas lÀppÀrin ÀÀreen.
Faija asuu 10km pÀÀssÀ Litkun faijasta (eli samalla kylÀllÀ sikÀlÀisittÀin). Mökki on 2 hehtaarin pikku lammen rannalla, ainoa mökki. Aivan mahtava luonnon rauha. Viimex polttelin rapulla tupakkaa aamuyöllÀ ja ihmettelin ettÀ nyt on jotain outoa. Sitten tajusin ettei kuulu mitÀÀn. Aivan tyyni joten lehdet ei pitÀny ÀÀntÀ. JÀrvikin oli tyyni eli ei edes vedenliplatusta kuulunut. Linnutkin oli hiljaa, kai ne nukkui. Aika outo kokemus nÀin kaupunkilaiselle. Oletko ikinÀ "kuullut" tÀydellistÀ hiljaisuutta?
Nyt helvetin iso pato murtuu Ja kaikki jotka horjuu, ne hukkuu Jos et usko rakkauteen etkÀ edes Jeesukseen Niin voit minun puolestani lÀhteÀ vaikka Lahteen
Blog readers past week; 265 pageviews with 96 comments. Divited by country;
Finland 95 United States 72
New Zealand 19 Singapore 16 Australia 14 India 12 Canada 8 Ireland 5 Belgium4 Spain 2 France 2 United Kingdom 2 Bangladesh 1 Brazil 1 Indonesia 1 Malaysia 1 Norway 1 Russia 1 Vietnam 1 Others 7
I was making Coffee when I heard bird singing close to me. I took a look-see to my balcony and there it was sitting on balcony-rail. I grabbed my Camera and too a Photo. And then it was gone. Just wondering what it sang to me. Hope it wasn´t anything important, didn´t get half of it. đ But it was special occasion, never seen a bird on my balcony. And I´ve been living here since 2005.
Was the most popular month in this blogs short history with 5514 pageviews. Normal month is around 1K to 2K. Recently I´ve had plenty of visitors from Singapore. Don´t know why that is. Maybe I visited some blog from there and people found me that way. Well, who knows.
This Thai-lady was very happy to serve me. It´s always a pleasure to see genuine smile on somebodys face. There´s Market on every months first wednesday in Lahti, Finland. I bought new potatoes this time.
Market Place was very crowded, little rain doesn´t bother anyone it seems.
There´s bit of everything on sale. Handcrafted stuff in this booth.
Singapore 736 (!!!) United States 224 Finland 136 Australia 17 Ireland 11 New Zealand 11 India 8 Austria 5 Germany 5 United Kingdom 4 Canada 3 France 2 Tunisia 2 Belgium 1 Algeria 1 Ecuador 1 Indonesia 1 Cambodia 1 Malaysia 1 Others 11
Loistava biisi. Mahtavat kitarariffit ja asiasanoitus. Inkkareiden puolella LÀnkkÀreitÀ vastaan, ihan kuin itsekin. Altavastaajien puolella on helpompi olla ilmeisesti.
Sittemmin mies on - mitÀ ilmeisemmin - menettÀnyt jÀrkensÀ. On NRA;n (National Rifle Association);in puheenjohtajistossa. TÀÀ porukka on siis se asehullujen oma etujÀrjestö. Politiikan puolella hÀn on anti-Obama Pro-Trump miehiÀ.
Mutta ei kai siinÀ, nauttikaa biisistÀ. Se on edelleen pirun hyvÀ vaikka mies onkin mennyt pilalle.
The Indian needed food He needed skins for a roof But he only took what they needed, baby Millions of buffalo were the proof Yeah, its all right
But then came the white man With his thick and empty head He couldn't see past the billfold He wanted all the buffalo dead It was sad